Information related to agenda changes, Consent Agenda, and Public Comment are on the County website.
Scheduled Business
Line-Item Transfer Within Capital Projects, Position Request for Temporary Help – Robert Blain, Director of Operations & Capital Assets
The Director of Operations & Capital Assets proposed creating a Temporary Help position for up to 4 months to assist the Financial Services Department in Capital Projects with the Munis financial software conversion. This position will be non-bargaining, full-time, and paid $18.40 per hour. The position will not be included in the 2023-2024 budget. The Board moved and seconded to approve the Line-Item Transfer (LIT) to create a Temporary Help line item in Capital Projects. Motion carried.
Purchase of Capital Road Equipment – Vactor Truck – Doug D’Hondt, County Engineer
Due to operational changes, outdated equipment, and an increase in culvert and stormwater facilities the Road Maintenance Manager has identified a need to add a vactor truck to the fleet for use by the road maintenance crews. Having a vactor truck in the fleet will give us the ability to efficiently respond to and correct stormwater drainage issues, thereby, enabling crews to effectively maintain the stormwater facilities and systems. It will also reduce the labor cost for guardrail maintenance and repair. Washington State Contract No. 00120 allows for the purchase of vactor trucks from One.7, Inc., Ravensdale, WA. The Fleet Manager recommends the purchase of one 2023 GapVax Jet/Vac Unit and one 2023 Peterbilt chassis, combined to become known as a vactor truck, to fulfill the need. The current price, as spec’d, is $591,140.63 plus WSST but with future increases expected, staff is recommending approval for purchase in an amount not to exceed $650,000.00. In order for the truck to be delivered in 2023, it is needs to be ordered now and will be budgeted for in the Road Fund budget as a new equipment purchase and added to the 2023 One-Year Road Program. In addition, two (2) existing pieces of equipment in the fleet will be eliminated, which will be surplused and the surplus value returned to the Road Fund. A Purchase Agreement utilizing the State Contract has been prepared for the vactor truck. In accordance with the Benton County Road Department Equipment Rental and Revolving Fund (ER&R) Policy and Procedures, all vehicles purchased will be managed and maintained by ER&R. The vactor truck will be an addition to the fleet, not a replacement; therefore, the vactor truck will be purchased by the Road Fund and placed in the ER&R replacement program. The Board moved and seconded to approve the purchase of one vactor truck from One.7, Inc. utilizing Washington State Contract No. 00120 for an amount not to exceed %650,000.00 plus Washington State Sales Tax, to be purchased by the 2023-2024 Road Fund and placed in the ER&R replacement program. Motion carried.
Benton County Commissioner District Redistricting – Adam Fyall, Sustainable Development Manager
Staff provided an update to the Board regarding the redistricting process for the Benton County Commissioner Districts. Public hearings are scheduled for April 12 and April 19, for discussion and potential adoption of new district boundaries. A full staff report (16 pages) was provided for the record and is available online along with the proposed maps: Benton County Commissioners’ Districts Redistricting Information 2022. This presentation served as an introduction to the topic in advance of the public hearings. No Board direction or vote.
Bid for County Newspaper – Matt Rasmussen, Deputy County Administrator
This is the bid opening for the official county newspaper. Pursuant to RCW 36.72.075, annually the County is required to go out to bid to contract for a legal newspaper for the coming year. The Clerk of the Board is required to advertise at least five weeks in advance and the bid opening must be held on the first meeting in April. The Notice of Bid Call for the Official Newspaper was advertised in the current legal newspaper, the Prosser Record Bulletin, on Wednesday, January 26, 2022. In addition to advertising, the Commissioners’ Office provided notice (via email) to both known newspapers in Benton County – the Tri-City Herald and the Prosser Record Bulletin, as well as posted the notice on the county’s website and bulletin boards. The Board opened the bids and provided preliminary review and gave staff direction to review the bids and bring back a recommendation and a contract for approval at a later date.
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Contact: Shyanne Palmus, Communications Coordinator | 509-222-3760
Original source can be found here.