Dan Newhouse tweeted the following:
"There has been a 500% increase in auto thefts since last year, proving that state laws restricting police officers are directly hurting our communities. We must support our police officers. keprtv.com/news/local/pol"Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Dan Newhouse:
"President Biden's policies are hurting farmers in Central Washington and across the country.I'm calling on him to reverse his overly burdensome regulations & policies that have caused needless uncertainty for our farmers, ranchers, and rural communities. newhouse.house.gov/media-center/p"Read on Twitter
"Hospitals are facing a shortage of IV contrast fluids that are necessary to perform CT & MRI scans to detect serious conditions.Proud to join @RepSteel in this effort to address this issue & bring back American production of life-saving medical products.foxnews.com/politics/repub"Read on Twitter
"The Stars and Stripes of our great flag are a reminder of how blessed we are to live in a free country where we can express our freedoms and liberties. To the thousands of heroes who have defended our great flag, thank you."Read on Twitter