Dan Newhouse tweeted the following:
"Throughout June, we bring awareness and support to those who struggle with PTSD. Know that you are not alone.If you or a loved one struggles with PTSD, please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-8255. #PTSDAwarenessMonth"Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Dan Newhouse:
"The effort to breach the Four Lower Snake River Dams is not scientifically driven; it's an ideological crusade. We must be vigilant if were going to protect these crucial pieces of infrastructure that have allowed our region and economy to thrive.aginfo.net/report/53307/W"Read on Twitter
"Our agriculture industry depends on a reliable workforce.My legislation, the #FarmWorkforceModernizationAct, will reform the H-2A program to ensure that both farmers and farmworkers have an adequate and legal work program, and our food supply remains secure." on June 21Read on Twitter
"Our national security continues to be threatened by President Biden's open border policies. We must secure our border now to protect our communities! twitter.com/BillFOXLA/stat" on June 21Read on Twitter