Dan Newhouse tweeted the following:
"Ensuring our adversaries cannot control our domestic agriculture and food supply is a matter of national security, and I'm pleased to report that this amendment was unanimously accepted.Read morenewhouse.house.gov/media-center/p"Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Dan Newhouse:
"China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea are not our allies, and it is imperative that we do not allow these adversaries to gain a foothold on American soil. Today I introduced an amendment to prohibit these countries from purchasing U.S. agricultural land.youtu.be/nMXCEbBw9Xs"Read on Twitter
"Did you know that 900 crops worldwide depend on pollination? Many of which are grown right here in Central Washington!Pollinators play a critical role in supporting our ecosystems and a sustainable food supply. Happy #PollinatorWeek! twitter.com/NACDconserve/s"Read on Twitter
"I was proud to join @RepTenney in this effort to uphold the constitutionally-protected Second Amendment rights of all law-abiding Americans.Todays decision by the U.S. Supreme Court reaffirms that our right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. twitter.com/RepTenney/stat"Read on Twitter