Dan Newhouse tweeted the following:
"Stealing agricultural intellectual property, however, could not only have significant negative economic consequences, but also possibly military implications in the form of bio-warfare."gatestoneinstitute.org/18790/us-agric"Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Dan Newhouse:
"Central Washington is blessed to produce some of the best red wines in the nation. I look forward to enjoying a glass this #NationalRedWineDay!" on Aug. 28Read on Twitter
"RT if you agree!" on Aug. 26Read on Twitter
"In particular, the report said that the science is clear that breaching the dams would provide the greatest benefit to salmon...it dismisses data that shows fish survival rates past the Snake River dams are 95% to 98%."tri-cityherald.com/opinion/editor" on Aug. 26Read on Twitter