Beginning Friday, September 16 at 4 p.m., Runway 8-26 will be re-opened for aircraft and will have runway and taxiway lights! We express sincere appreciation to Sierra Electric for
making this happen.
Beginning Monday, September 19 at 6 a.m., Runway 1-19 and Taxiway A will be closed for replacement of lights and underground wiring. Aircraft will be required to taxi from th
main apron via Taxiway D and across the north apron to Taxiway B. See attached exhibit map.
The contractor will be working on Runway 1-19 and Taxiway A for the remainder of the project. As a reminder, there will be no navigational lights, PAPIs or approach lighting until
the entire project is completed.
Please be aware of, and cautious of the low-profile barricades along the taxiway connectors to Runway 1-19 and adjacent to Runway 8-26. Please make the effort to notify other
pilots that you know may not be familiar with the construction project.
Original source can be found here.