Dan Newhouse tweeted the following:
"The Biden Administrations open-border policies and rhetoric are impacting every community in America, not just those at the southern border. It's past-time we secure our border to keep our communities safe. dailysignal.com/2023/02/20/its"
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Here are other recent tweets from Dan Newhouse:
"Central Washington truly leads the nation in clean energy production. I am proud to represent Central Washington and look forward to continuing to pave the way towards a clean energy future. columbiabasinherald.com/news/2023/feb/"
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"This week is National #FFAWeek, and I am pleased to recognize the hardworking young farmers in Central Washington and across the country. FFA teaches leadership, responsibility, and work ethic, and I am proud to support this organization and the future of agriculture in America."
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"Happy Random Acts of Kindness Day! For some inspiration, check out this list of kind acts you and your family can participate in: randomactsofkindness.org/kindness-ideas" on Feb. 17
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